Our mission and goal is to teach every women, men to love their bodies and love themselves.
Join us for our life changing one day workshop on how to end emotional eating and binge eating. You will learn the reasons why we overeat and effective long term strategies to have a healthy relationship with food, your body and yourself. Your confidence and self-esteem will go up after you attend our one day workshop.
Aura Ziv is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist. She has been featured on Breakfast TV, in Vancouver Magazine and has presented many workshops in the area of emotional eating. Through her own struggles she has learned to overcome her body image issues and is living a peaceful and fulfilled life. Her passion is teaching others how to eat well & be healthy.
"I want to again thank both Aura and her team. I highly recommend the program to anyone who is even thinking about getting healthier. To quote Aura "action precedes motivation" so make that first step and you will feel better as soon as you do."
Thanks again to the team at www.eatgoodfeelgood.ca
Chasidy Karpiuk